this WAS a great game, i paid my 99¢, so why now with this new update does it want me to buy parts and things in the game i originally had. like hints. and the one small side game that was present at the very beginning. now there a billion little side games and they all require you to pay pay pay. lame. also, now doodlegod is being creepy and even though i have TWICE gone into my phones notification center AND the games options and SHUT OFF ALL notifications, somehow they are still appearing. creepy messages like, "we miss you." or "we need your brains, come back and play." it would be AWESOME if that stopped. about done with this, i so rarely play it anymore (b/c its so annoying) that i may soon delete it. so while it WAS fun, now its just taking up space.
randomrescuehero about Doodle God™, v2.0.5